Key Benefits of Adopting Kotlin For Android App Development

Kotlin developed by JetBrains & supported by Google, is an open-source, statistically-typed programming language that is 100% compatible with Java, and runs on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

During Google I/O in 2017, Google announced Kotlin as an official programming language for building up Android applications. The key reason behind this gathering was its innovation - regarding its capacity, adaptability, and popularity-based approach. Kotlin is furthermore interoperable with the current Android languages.

kotlin  for android app development services

The Key Benefits of using Kotlin

One of the key reasons why many companies nowadays are highly utilizing Kotlin app development services is because it's the officially supported language for writing Android applications. However, for many developers, Java is still a genuinely useful language for quite a long time. They need to know about the many high-impacting benefits of using Kotlin before they can take the dive in.

  • It is open source
  • Less coding required
  • Kotlin offers brevity
  • It Is a mature language with a strong IDE Support
  • Provides an easier way to create Android applications
  • It is an ideal language for Android app development
  • It is reliable because of its evolutionary process
  • Much safer than Java
  • Easy to Learn
Top companies adopting Kotlin
  • Pinterest
  • Uber
  • Coursera
  • Netflix
Pros of Kotlin for Android App Development
  • Interoperability with Java code
  • Easy maintainability
  • Boosts team efficiency
  • Kotlin is much more reliable
Cons of Kotlin for Android App Development
  • Fluctuation in compilation
  • Less talent for hire
  • Limited learning resources
  • Kotlin is still not Java

Having official support from Google is a clear sign that the future of Kotlin is bright. The demand for switching to Kotlin for the Android app development services is seeing a surge like never before. Since Kotlin is 100% interoperable with Java, it is easy for the companies to seamlessly progress to Kotlin for developing Android apps.


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